WPA 2023 Summer Internship Opportunity

WPA Summer Internship — Scholarship Program for Diversity Advancement

WPA is accepting applications for summer of 2023 Diversity Advancement Internship & Scholarship.

This full-time internship position provides compensation at $20/hour. The position is available to any rising 4th year or 5th year undergraduate student at an NAAB-accredited school of architecture, or any graduate student at an NAAB-accredited masters program of architecture. If you are a rising 5th year thesis student, or entering graduate school in Fall of 2023, you will be awarded a $2,500 scholarship to be applied to thesis or graduate school materials upon completion.

Click here to read all about this opportunity. The deadline for submission is Friday, March 10, 2023.

architecture, assembly, downtown norfolk, internship, norfolk, virginia, wpa, wpa studio

400 Granby Street  Suite 301 Norfolk, VA 23510 Studio: (757) 227-5310

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400 Granby Street
Suite 301
Norfolk, VA 23510
(757) 227-5310
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