The Downtown Norfolk Council commissioned various artists of Norfolk to install five artful, yet functional bike racks in downtown Norfolk. Thom White and Peter Johnston of Work Program Architects won two commissions to create “The Granby Fork” and “The Buoy Bike Rack.” The team worked with the DNC to locate sites for the racks, and coordinated with Sitework South (the site contractor) to design foundations for both, and to illuminate The Granby Fork. The Granby Fork is a nearly 13 ft tall fork sculpture comprised of laser-cut and bent steel plates, while the noodle is made from hand-formed and welded steel strips. It is installed Flatiron Park and welcomes visitors to Downtown Norfolk’s dining district. The Buoy Bike Rack is located at the Waterside Festival Marketplace and speaks to both the nautical heritage of the port city and the city’s burgeoning bicycle culture.