Tag: archex

What Do You See (the continuing saga of the Kiosk) at ArchEx East

The ELA class project that Thom has been engaged in for the whole of 2011 came to a conclusion at ArchEx East, the annual regional architecture convention which takes place each Fall at the Richmond Convention Center. The group presented the project to a group of attendees which included leaders in the professional and academic realms of the architectural discipline, such as key administrators and officers of the VSAIA, Virginia Tech Dean of CAUS Jack Davis, FAIA, and principals of prominent firms both regional AND national. Michelle Kaufmann, principal of Michelle Kaufmann Studio and the Keynote Speaker for the conference, attended the presentation and provided positive feedback.


Kiosk on Showroom Floor
On the showroom floor.
Kiosk Viewport
Last drawing done in the Kiosk.

400 Granby Street  Suite 301 Norfolk, VA 23510 Studio: (757) 227-5310

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