Oozlefinch Craft Brewery

WPA is thrilled to partner with For the People Projects on Oozlefinch Craft Brewery in Hampton, VA. The project is located at Fort Monroe and is BCOM project. Jen Stringer (longtime friend and collaborator) is the Lead Designer and Owner of For the People Projects. WPA is the Architect of Record, assisting Jen with her work as Lead Designer and Owner’s Representative.  Oozlefinch Craft Brewery honors the legend of the “Oozlefinch,” a featherless bird that flies backward at supersonic speeds. Under the influence of alcohol, Captain H.M. Merriam first sighted the Oozlefinch outside the officer’s club at Fort Monroe. Over time, reports of Oozlefinch sightings became more common, sketches were made, and a statue of the Oozlefinch was erected on Fort Monroe.Oozlefinch2_2


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commercial, rendering, renovation

400 Granby Street  Suite 301 Norfolk, VA 23510 Studio: (757) 227-5310

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(757) 227-5310
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